
Thanks Jim, Arnheim was indeed a touchstone for me too. The funny thing (perhaps) is that whimsical claim of sending thought-forms from today back to myself as a child only succeeds if I'm peculiar enough to continue doing it (a self-fulfilling prophecy maybe) otherwise, who could have received any "information" as a youth if the later 73 year old character had stopping sending any, when he "grew up". Solution: never grew up, ancillary: I may now currently be receiving information from my next lifetime as a totally different person altogether...now, that amuses me no end (literally).

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What a wonderful journey into NOW. You have approached a puzzle that confronts me, in that unsolved linear sense, everyday. I just finished reading, Notes On Complexity by Neil Theise. Fascinating. From the Buddhist perspective, it seems that always Now makes the impossible less so . . .? Who knows. Artists intuit it. Thanks for shedding light on what has intrigued me most of my life. Oh, yes, Gaston Bachelard is another favorite.

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Your mind-blowing essay sent me to my stacks to pull out a related nugget from student days as a budding artist. Rudolf Arnheim’s Entropy and Art, functioned as a script of hidden knowledge. Pulling order out of chaos and sending it back into disorder (repeat as often as necessary) becomes a guiding rule to follow; in other words - looking to the past in order to see the future.

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